
Understanding the 'Harvest Now, Decrypt Later' Threat and the Protective Shield of Microsharding

Written by Julian Weinberger | March 4 2024

In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the 'harvest now, decrypt later' (HNDL) strategy represents a looming threat, particularly for data stored at rest. This approach, adopted by cyber adversaries, involves collecting encrypted data with the intent to decrypt it at a later time, potentially leveraging future advancements in computing power or cryptographic breakthroughs, such as quantum computing. As organizations store increasing volumes of sensitive data, the risk that this data could be harvested today and decrypted tomorrow becomes a pressing concern. However, a novel defensive mechanism known as microsharding emerges as a promising solution to mitigate the risks associated with HNDL attacks.

The 'Harvest Now, Decrypt Later' Conundrum

The HNDL threat model exploits a simple yet powerful premise: what cannot be decrypted now might become an open book in the future. Encrypted data, when intercepted or unlawfully acquired, is not immediately useful to an adversary without the corresponding decryption keys. Traditional encryption algorithms, while robust against current computational capabilities, may not stand the test of time or the advent of quantum computing. Quantum computers, with their potential to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, could eventually break the encryption codes that protect today's data, rendering current encryption methods obsolete.

This scenario poses a significant risk for data stored at rest, such as personal information, intellectual property, financial records, and national security data. If such data is harvested today, future advancements could enable adversaries to decrypt sensitive information, leading to breaches of privacy, intellectual property theft, and other malicious activities.

Microsharding: A Novel Defense Strategy

Microsharding presents a groundbreaking approach to safeguarding data at rest from the HNDL threat. This method involves breaking down data into minuscule, unintelligible fragments, or 'shards,' and distributing these shards across multiple storage locations. By doing so, microsharding ensures that the complete dataset is never stored in a single location, significantly complicating unauthorized access and decryption efforts.

The patented microsharding technology applies a dual-protection layer:

  • Data Sensitization: Data is shredded into small 4 byte large pieces and mixed with poison data. This ensures that even if individual shards are accessed, they remain incomprehensible without the complete set of shards.
  • Distributed Storage: By dispersing the unintelligible shards across various locations, microsharding dilutes the potential value of the data to an attacker. The attacker would need to compromise multiple storage locations and then accurately reassemble the shards to form the original data, a task made exceedingly difficult without knowing the specific logic used for sharding and distribution.

Mitigating Quantum Threats

A significant advantage of microsharding is its inherent resilience against quantum computing threats. Quantum computers, though potentially capable of breaking traditional encryption algorithms, would struggle with the fragmented and dispersed nature of microsharded data. The complexity of collecting, reassembling, and decrypting the shards across disparate locations introduces a multi-layered challenge that even quantum computing might find insurmountable, at least with current theoretical models.

Implementation and Challenges

Implementing microsharding involves careful consideration of the sharding logic, secure encryption prior to sharding, and the selection of diverse and secure storage locations. The process requires a robust infrastructure that can handle the distribution and management of shards, ensuring data integrity and availability while preventing unauthorized access.

One of the challenges in deploying microsharding is the potential impact on data retrieval times and system performance. Efficient algorithms and network optimizations are essential to mitigate these effects, ensuring that the security benefits do not come at the expense of user experience or operational efficiency.


As the threat landscape evolves, so must our strategies for protecting sensitive data. The 'harvest now, decrypt later' strategy represents a significant risk, particularly in an era poised on the brink of quantum computing breakthroughs. Microsharding offers a promising solution by protecting data through encryption, fragmentation, and distributed storage, thereby complicating the efforts of adversaries to harvest, reassemble, and decrypt sensitive information. Leading industry analysts have called Microsharding a quantum-safe technology, especially as an interim data protection approach during the long transition to quantum-safe encryption. By adopting microsharding and other innovative security measures, organizations can fortify their defenses against the looming quantum threat and safeguard their data for the future.